As an ethical and responsible global corporation, we are committed to sustainability by providing practical, purposeful, and clear action to drive economic, social, and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. As we expand and transform our operations, our sustainability focus rests on balancing social and ecological concerns along four dimensions.


We are committed to pursuing purpose-oriented and quality-driven operations to build a more sustainable, and inclusive future while unlocking new and better growth opportunities.

Our continued investment on research & development and setting new benchmarks in operational excellence have enabled us to ensure efficient and resource-saving use of raw materials through improved process design, recycling of waste materials to maximize their salvage, and reducing the production of waste to enable us meet our broader sustainability goals. Sustainability is anchored in all our operations and we are working on raising this bar still higher by regularly evaluating and evolving our practices in keeping with the latest technology developments.


From constructing green buildings to producing our own clean power, raising resource efficiency, and improving energy efficiency to reducing CO2 emissions, shaping climate action remains at the forefront of our environmental sustainability objectives. Our manufacturing hub plant in Pune has achieved the IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) Gold ratings in green buildings. Advik Pune plant is awarded by MEDA (Maharashtra Energy Development Agency) for energy conservation activities. Today with help of our captive solar and windmill installations, we fulfil our major requirements with green energy. Going forward we have set the target off achieving carbon neutrality goal by 2030. This means that by 2030, all of our three manufacturing locations will not generate any CO2 emissions either on their own or through the purchase of electricity. Advik is ISO 14001:2015 certified for Environment Management system (EMS). We are proud that our commitment is acknowledged and recognized also by the MCCIA Pune and CII for green co certifications.


We follow a zero net discharge policy in all of our facilities. All wastewater generated at the production plants is treated fully treated and recycled, leaving little to no effluent. All the recycled water is reused for garden and sanitation facilities. In addition to this, installing rainwater harvesting infrastructure at key production plants, using drip irrigation for plants, growing local plants to reduce water consumption, assisting in rejuvenation of lakes and reservoirs around the plant is helping in raising groundwater levels in the local communities within which we function. We are aiming to become water positive by 2030


We recognize that the obligation of protecting the environment, health, and safety calls for a concerted effort from every member of the organization. This both inspires and aids our commitment to building inclusive relationships with all stakeholders to spark ideas to develop viable solutions to social challenges. For this purpose,

We follow a three-pronged approach through:
  • Design and deployment of ADVIK led development projects
  • Foster employee participation in both organizational and local community initiatives
  • Enter into alliances with partners, and support third-party initiatives and projects in the communities where we function.
Our areas of priority intervention include:
  • Skill Development – Encourage entrepreneurship by providing vocational training to local youth and students at company premises.
  • Education – Equalizing opportunities through education by supporting local schools with required Infrastructure and establishing learning centers with education aids.
  • Health – Securing a sustainable health care system include organizing regular Health Clinics & Camps, renovating Hospital Buildings, aiding local institutions in eradicating hunger, poverty, and malnutrition, and making available safe drinking water.
  • Social Welfare – Initiatives include Setting up old age homes, daycare centers, ones, and hostels for women and children.
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